Creatives, Let’s Get Your Sh-tuff Together So You Can Create More

Hello Creative! Do you ever feel scared that you won’t be successful like all those organized and productive people who are accomplishing big goals? Do you feel UNMOTIVATED to do what it takes because it all seems so UNcreative and UNinteresting?

If so, this Awaken Guide is my free gift to you. You know you have a well of creativity and this guide will help you to use that fabulous superpower in ALL ASPECTS of making your dreams come true!

It includes three doodle exercises that will put you back in touch with your playful, curious nature, your deeper feelings, your secret hopes, and YOUR CREATIVE CAPACITY to do something about them!

I invite you with a beaming, excited smile to see how you can transform seemingly boring and challenging tasks into satisfying productivity!

What Does Executive Function Have to Do with Creatives?

Creating a goal and seeing it through requires A LOT of Executive Function skills, including organization, prioritization, planning, structure, self-regulation, focused attention, and cognitive flexibility.  

Unfortunately, many people do not recognize this and very quickly label those who do not achieve their goals as lazy, unfocused, and incapable.  Very quickly, if we are someone who struggles to achieve our goals, we begin to think of ourselves in those harmful ways.

Many Creatives resonate with these labels because they are misunderstood and they misunderstand themselves. Creativity is non-linear, it is fueled by inspiration, and it rides the waves of emotion.  Therefore, it is easy to be unplanned, unorganized, and sometimes unreliable.  It is easy for goals to slip through the cracks.  

However, Creative, you are totally capable of everything you imagine! 

You simply need support in developing Executive Function skills in a way that is different from what is typically demonstrated in our homes, schools, and workplaces. 

These skills can seem boring, but they DON’T HAVE TO BE!  In my programs, we utilize your superpower of creativity to develop your executive function skills in ways that feel good and interesting to you.

And then you get to experience how actually achieving your meaningful goals is one of the most exciting things about life!

Why HowDoodle?

HOW: This represents the curiosity, the wonder, the eagerness to figure something out!   Answers are awesome, but the good questions are the juice! They are what take us on a journey into our fascinating selves to find what is truly sustainable for us. 

DOODLE: The doodle represents a creative, helpful approach to any challenge.  It invites play, curiosity and room for “mistakes” and surprises. As we engage with doodles, we draw inward, reconnecting with our hearts, our minds, our emotions, and the truth of where we are in the moment. Only then can we take action that aligns with who we are and what we want. Such clarity gives us the courage to go out and give it a try.

Yes, sometimes this approach leads to doodling in sessions! (No worries - no skill or talent or experience needed!)  It could also lead to doodle writing or doodle moving and lots of doodle talking! These are all ways to stimulate your superpower of creativity and apply it to your goals.  Overall, though, it is the SPIRIT OF A DOODLE that I incorporate into my coaching practices.

Hello! I’m Karen, Creative Executive Function Coach and Doodle Empress at HowDoodle!

I am lit up by my calling to Awaken and Harness Creative Power! 

I have spent decades teaching and coaching thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds. With playful creativity, inspired perseverance, and deep connection, I help creative people to imagine and define their successful life and activate their creativity to reach their goals.

I deeply believe that creativity is an innate human quality that is not only about making art - it is about making our lives!

Click here to learn more about my story and why I started HowDoodle.

Review by Carrie Doan
Black and white doodle by Carrie Doan that looks like a big swirling flower
Headshot of Carrie Doan

Carrie Doan, Clarity Life Coach

Review by Michelle Manassah
Doodle by Michelle Manassah with a butterfly, a compass, green vegetation swirling and growing with fun lines around it.
Headshot of Michelle Manassah

Michelle Manassah, Pull the Focus Coaching